The Course and Unit Builder

What is the Course and Unit Builder?

The Course and Unit Builder (CUB) has been developed by the University of Tasmania to support the design and review of outcomes-based curriculum using learning design principles.

The Course and Unit Builder Project delivers:

  • A purpose-built application to facilitate collaborative course and unit curriculum design using learning design principles.
  • Several professional learning artefacts that support UTAS staff to design and review curricula using the Course and Unit Builder application.
  • A network of UTAS staff working in various roles who are skilled in the use of the Course and Unit Builder application.
  • Curriculum data presented in formats conducive for export to other university systems as required (i.e. Akari curriculum management system).

Making our design thinking visible

Much like the blueprints of a house or musical notation, learning design is a way of visually documenting our intentions for how a course or unit will be assessed and facilitated. More specifically, it is a graphical representation of pedagogic decision-making that can be used to solicit input and feedback from colleagues.

Multiple pathways for design

Design curriculum from a point of conception using a guided approach. Alternatively, you can enter existing curriculum into the CUB to review and make amendments.

Access to help when you need it

The CUB application contains embedded help text at each step of the design process providing a definition of each component, its typical purpose and a selection of design strategies and considerations for taking action. In parallel, each stage features a series of review criteria to guide self or peer evaluation.